Sunday, June 14, 2009

A new day...

Today was a new day, a new beginning. Today I made the choice to be a disciple of Christ Jesus. I was baptized. For those who know me, know that I was baptized as an infant, which is standard procedure with the Catholic faith. I realized recently that my infant baptismal was my parents dedicating me to Christ and now it was my turn. The Lord has done some amazing things in my life recently, really opened my eyes to the relationship that He wants to have with each of us, a personal relationship. I had heard friends and loved ones speak of that before, but I just never really got it. Until now...Jesus: It's that simple! Society makes your salvation so complicated. I always felt there was a certain way you had to earn it. Well, you don't earn anything; it is a gift. The greatest gift ever given and it was for ME, and you and Uncle Joe and EVERYONE who BELIEVES! This new found acceptance and love from my Father, spoke to me as I passed this tree in our yard on our very first Seek His Face walk. This tree is a symbol of strength, it has survived 2 ice storms. It provides ample shade and protection to those who stand under its leaves and branches. The sound of the breeze through its leaves calms the soul. All these things I find in my relationship with my Savior. I know that with Him in my corner, nothing is impossible. I thank you Lord for your gift, your blessings and your grace. I look forward to seeking you again tomorrow...

1 comment:

  1. I am so happy for you. What a life decision you have made that you will never regret. To know that one day we will be standing before his presence and he will say "Well done, thy good and faithfull servant, enter into my kingdom"

    Your Christian Sister,
    Jade Benson
