Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Running full speed toward Christ!

" In him and through faith in him we may approach God with freedom and confidence." Ephesians 3:12

It is so wonderfully crazy, I have lived my life, attended church and felt I was doing it all right. Probably because others told me I was a good person. Well, this past January I was given a book by my Mom that started me on this soul saving journey. (Thank you Mom! It was the greatest gift! Through you, He has given me life, twice!) What I discovered is that being a good person wasn't enough. But that was just the beginning. What that revelation did for me and my family was give us the kick in the pants we needed to discover Him. He was calling us and we finally heard His glorious cry.

So, for the past 5 months or so, we have been passionately seeking our savior, our father. I feel like a child again, discovering the most beautiful gift ever given. And still wondering how I missed it before. (Not that He cares anything about that. He is just glad we are here now!) But, if I missed it, how many others have too. And what is keeping us from His glorious grace?

In this 5 months, He has healed a sense of worthlessness that used to send me into some dark places. His word has filled up those holes and shown light into my soul. He has loved me always. And His gift was for ME!

"Although I am less than the least of all people, this grace was given me..." Ephesians 3:8

He wants us ALL! He love us ALL! Are you ready to be filled by His word? Read, get to know Him. Just put one foot in front of the other. He will wait. And you won't be dissappointed. But you better be ready to run!

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